How to Troubleshoot Problems With Prestige Turbo Yeast

Turbo Yeast, one of our most popular yeast strains, was designed to produce high quality alcohol washes quickly without using costly fermentation sugars such as fructose, glucose or dextrin. Furthermore, its advanced design helps minimize or even completely avoid Acetaldehyde production that can contribute to hangovers during longer fermentations using traditional distillers yeast strains.

Prestige Turbo Yeast was specially created to work with ordinary white household or castor sugar without forcing you to spend extra on purchasing special sugars for fermentation. Furthermore, it works great with most fruit-based musts and even sparkling wines!

Turbo Yeast is not an inexpensive product, so it is crucial that the appropriate quantities of water and ingredients are added during fermentation to avoid problems with fermentation due to improper brewing methods or deficiencies. Incorrect or inadequate fermentation processes may result in nutrient deficiencies, temperature tolerance issues or even an osmotic shock which disrupts yeast cells.

Osmotic shock occurs when yeast cells are unable to absorb enough nutrients through their plasma membrane, usually due to using insufficient amounts of nutrients, Turbo Yeast (often low grade bakers yeast) or using incorrect water temperatures. Common reasons include poor quality batches of Turbo Yeast or not having enough nutrient available.

When fermenting large quantities of sugar, it’s essential that enough water be added so as to achieve an ideal balance between liquid specific gravity and yeast nutrient content. This is especially crucial during the early stages of the ferment, when yeast needs a great deal of nutrients in order to properly grow and develop; without adequate supplies it could starve.

Prestige Turbo Yeast and Drawbacks

Prestige Turbo Yeast contains the perfect blend of minerals, nutrients and energy that allows it to grow, produce proteins and complete its many enzymatic reactions required to make alcohol. Our unique formulation ensures vigorous fermentation with an outstandingly high alcohol content in its final product.

Ingredients used in our fermentation process consist of macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and magnesium) combined with quality-enhancing additives that produce an extremely effective fermentation process that leads to rapid alcohol production of 14%-20+% alcohol production – significantly faster than traditional methods and saving both time and money in production costs.

Fermentations that become stuck can have many causes: it could be that one uses the wrong strain of yeast; uses one other than what was recommended; does not meet temperature tolerances, or meets water specifications correctly; temperature tolerances do not meet specifications, temperature is exceeded etc. However, all these issues can easily be rectified with proper instructions, common sense and equipment.

Black Label Turbo (or any other brand of Turbo) in hot countries with 7.5 kg sugar may cause stuck fermentation if liquid temperatures rise beyond 38C due to nutrition tailored specifically around 6 kg sugar and not 7.5 kg.

Keep in mind that Turbo yeasts do not produce vodka – only clear, neutral spirits. Through distillation, alcohol is extracted from fermented washes to create vodka or moonshine.