Prestige Turbo Yeast Review

Yeast is a single cell organism which thrives without oxygen and quickly converts sugar to alcohol, providing us with beverages or fuel from this fermentation process. Turbo Yeast offers specific nutrients needed by yeast for successful functioning; amino acids, enzymes and minerals as well as energy are required in order to extract sugar efficiently while performing various enzymatic reactions – it contains all these components for fast and effective fermentation.

Prestige Turbo’s yeast strain was specifically cultured for distillation purposes and does not use traditional brewer’s or baker’s yeasts, providing higher performance with reduced contaminants that might produce undesirable flavor compounds like Acetaldehyde (which causes hangovers). We don’t want this in our final spirits!

Turbo Yeast’s unique combination of nutrients helps prevent the production of any undesirable flavor congeners, distinguishing it from other fast fermenting yeasts and making possible such high strength results. As a result, you could produce handcrafted spirits with 14%-18% alcohol potential with this yeast; fermentation time and yield per litre are significantly faster too!