Alcohol Distillation’s Impact on LocalEconomies

Alcohol Distillation’s Effect on Local Economies

Craft-distilled spirits distilleries offer significant economic benefits to their local economies. Not only are sales tax revenues generated, but distilleries also often host tasting events and tours that draw visitors, who then spend money at local hotels, restaurants and shops – contributing an estimated annual visitor count of 2.5 million in Kentucky alone resulting in state and local taxes totaling an estimated total of $358 Million which exceed federal excise taxes on bourbon!

Kentucky Distillers Association (KDA) and its members have responded by working to promote the economic benefits of distilleries, noting how these funds support jobs, education, agriculture, infrastructure and public safety. Furthermore, KDA actively backs efforts to lower bourbon and whiskey prices so as to increase exports and create jobs.

Alcohol can be an economic engine and source of discord in equal measure. With the rise in craft spirits popularity, some communities have witnessed an increase in social problems related to drinking – domestic violence, traffic crashes and homicides as a result. Local governments have responded by regulating prices, tightening enforcement efforts and offering education and prevention programs.

Alcohol distillation is an ancient practice, dating back at least to 2000 BC in China, Egypt and Mesopotamia for medicinal, cosmetic and spiritual use. The basic concept is straightforward: as the temperature of liquid rises, vapors form; initially these contain higher concentrations of alcohol than later produced; as their temperature continues to increase they gradually lose content until reaching boiling point and disappear entirely.

How to Market Homemade Distilled Alcohol

Alcohol sales in the United States total over $250 billion annually, making alcohol production and sales an immensely profitable enterprise for those able to craft spirits or drinks with distinctive tastes and brands that stand out. Starting a distillery can be costly and time consuming; so, in order to maximize returns from your investment it’s essential that you understand all aspects of marketing homemade distilled alcohol effectively.

Understanding your target market is of vital importance when running any type of business, but especially so when selling alcohol. Different generations respond differently to marketing approaches; knowing who your audience is is necessary if you wish to reach them effectively – Gen Xers tend to favor print and television, while millennials favor social media like Instagram as platforms for reaching them effectively.

One of the best ways to get your alcohol out there is through self-distribution. Doing this demonstrates your target audience and gives you greater control of distribution of your product(s).

Your product can also be promoted by aligning yourself with nonprofit organizations that support underrepresented groups within the alcohol industry, like Women of the Vine & Spirits or Women’s Business Enterprise National Council for networking purposes and sharing of ideas among entrepreneurs. Distilleries may partner with community-uplifting nonprofits like Rose Haven in Portland, Oregon – showing your distillery cares for its community while welcoming individuals from all backgrounds through its doors.